The footsteps of royalty of Romania and their wines
Holding the sixth place in Europe for wine production, Romania could also be called "a vine homeland" in Europe alongside France, Italy, Spain or Germany, being one of the world's largest wine producers.Combine this with our royal history and you will get an exquisite experience.
Although the monarchy was abolished by communists in 1947, the royal family still enjoys much of the associated pageantry. It hosts events in the fairy-tale Peles Castle, once its home, now a museum. Beside the castle this tour follows other few living proofs of the bohemian times from the 19th century.
Program: the route follows the Prahova valley upstream, in the mountains. Peles Castle represents the first stop, in Sinaia resort. The, we continue the drive up, towards another mountain resort – Azuga. Here, a german investor, Rhein, a good friend of King Carol I, opened in 1892 a cellar that still exists even today. We pay a visit, taste a few samples of sparkling wine and have also the lunch. Return to the hills of Wallachia in the afternoon; from the richness of cellars that occupy the “Tuscany of Romania” we pick one which is directly related to the royal family – Crama Apogeum. Wine tasting and then leave for Bucharest. Arriving at Bucharest in the evening
PRIVATE TOUR by car/minivan
275 EUR (for 1 solo person)
170 EUR/pers (group of 3 persons)
150 EUR/pers (group of 2 persons)
*ask for discounts for more than 4 people traveling together