Neamt Monastery

The Romanian Orthodox monastery of Neamt is situated in the village of the same name. It has been declared a historical monument and is Moldova's largest and oldest monastic settlement.

While documents of the monastery date to 1407, monastic activity has its origins in the 12th century.

The monastery has two churches, two paraclises, an 11-bell bell tower, the "Veniamin Costache" Theological Seminary, a museum housing a collection of religious art, and a printing room. Particularly noteworthy is the circular baptismal font before the monastery, where water is blessed during the feast. An icon of Our Lady, a performer of miracles, painted in Israel in 665, appears in the church.

The monastery holds the oldest and largest monastic library (18,000 volumes), and it greatly contributed to the growth of mediaeval Romanian culture and art.

The main historical and architectural monument of Moldovan architecture in the monastery is the church which Stephen the Great built. It is both beautiful and elegant. The addition of two different architectural features—the porch in front of the entrance and the burial hall, or grotto, between the pronaos and the nave—increased the ensemble's size and monumentality.

After numerous disastrous fires and devastations, the monastery was rebuilt, which gradually destroyed the original painting. There were various attempts to clean the paintings after the fire in 1862 that turned them black, but these efforts were unsuccessful.

A school of calligraphers and miniaturists who copied and ornamented church manuscripts for monasteries and churches in the villages has existed within the monastery's walls since the end of the 14th century.

Undocumented records attest that precious metals were worked at the Neamt Monastery to produce objects of worship. Trained painters, wood carvers, and stone carvers were also involved.

As always, the monks of the Holy Monastery of Neamt live their daily lives in accordance with their prayers today. The church of Stefan cel Mare, which has grandeur and beauty, as well as the objects of worship with significant historical and aesthetic significance, are meticulously and preciously preserved.

Anyone travelling by the Holy Monastery of Neamt, the holy relics, or an evening service is filled with thanksgiving, calmness, and joy since the soul is at peace where both humanity and God have worked together to create this marvellous structure.

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